02. Firewall
17-year-old Sonja Hokberg killed cab driver Johan Lundberg with a friend. Under interrogation, she shows no remorse whatsoever and claims that she needed money. But the amount of money she stole is ridiculous and Sonja's parents are wealthy. Wallander (Kenneth Branagh) discovers that the young woman took revenge late in life: Lundberg's son raped her two years ago, but could not be prosecuted because his father provided him with an alibi. To make matters worse, Sonja manages to mysteriously escape from the secure cell of the remand center; an electrician who is trying to repair a short circuit in a substation finds her charred body shortly afterwards.
Sonja's boyfriend Jonas Landahl is also found murdered. None of this makes sense until Wallander accidentally discovers a connection with another unsolved case: Tynnes Falk, a perfectly healthy IT specialist, dies of a heart attack for inexplicable reasons. There is only one explanation for the disappearance of his body from the pathology department, whose doors are electronically secured: the widespread power failure caused by Sonja's death in the transformer house paralyzed the electronic door security system of the morgue, among other things. Meanwhile, in a cellar that Falk had rented, Wallander comes across a computer network that is being used to launch a dangerous hacker attack on the global banking system. The path to the mastermind leads via the attractive Ella Lindfeldt, of all people, whom Wallander met via an Internet contact site.
Picture: ARD Degeto/Yellow Bird/Left Bank Pictures/Steffan Hill