09. The Container Lorry

Linda Wallander makes a gruesome discovery during a routine check: nine refugees have suffocated to death in an abandoned truck container, only one baby has miraculously survived. The autopsy reveals that the people were still alive when the driver had parked his truck in a wooded area three days earlier. In the search for the driver of the fatal truck, Wallander is supported by the brash Europol officer Henrietta Andersen - with whom he also gets on very well in private. Henrietta suspects a connection with the illegal escape aid organization "Lifeline Unlimited", which smuggles people into the country for humanitarian reasons. A photograph found among the dead refugees leads Wallander to two children who are presumably being hidden in a monastery on behalf of Lifeline Unlimited.

The abbess is not very talkative, whereupon Stefan Lindman makes serious accusations against her. Wallander puts the brakes on his colleague because he doesn't believe that this dedicated woman is covering up for a greedy gang of people smugglers. But who is responsible for the deaths of the nine refugees, who certainly did not die in an unfortunate accident? Light is only shed on the case when forensic investigators find the remains of a drug shipment in the container where they died. It gradually dawns on Wallander that the well-organized escape aid organization is unwittingly being misused as a cover by drug smugglers. Of all people, customs officer Karin Berglund, a good old acquaintance of Wallander's, is involved in the case. Wallander forces her to cooperate with the police in order to set a trap for the unscrupulous smugglers.


Kurt Wallander - Krister Henriksson

Linda Wallander - Johanna Sällström

Stefan Lindman- Ola Rapace

Ann-Britt Höglund - Angela Kovács

Martinsson - Douglas Johansson

Nyberg - Mats Bergman

Svartman - Fredrik Gunnarson

Lisa Holgersson - Chatarina Larson

Ebba - Marianne Mörck

Music: Adam Nordén

Photos: © Lars Høgsted


10. The Castle Ruins


08. The Photographer