08. The Photographer
The legendary war photographer Robert Thuresson, an eccentric, arrogant loner who still lives with his mother, exhibits his pictures to a local audience in Ystad for the first time. On the fringes of the vernissage, there is a minor scandal when the American Sarah Lyell gets into an argument with the photographer. The woman takes down one of the exhibits and disappears with it. Shortly afterwards, she is fished out of the sea dead. The autopsy reveals that the four-month pregnant woman did not drown. She was run over - by Thuresson's car. When Stefan Lindman arrests the suspect, Thuresson once again lives up to his reputation as a drunkard and thug. Meanwhile, Linda Wallander finds out that the photographer and Sarah Lyell met in Kabul, where Sarah was working for an aid organization. However, she was sacked because she was accused of stealing ancient Afghan seals. Linda also finds out that Robert is gay and is unlikely to have impregnated Sarah Lyell. Wallander, who has not yet got over the abrupt end of his affair with psychologist Anja, is now looking after Tom Lyell.
The university professor has traveled from the USA to transfer his wife's body. The inspector immediately takes a liking to him and drinks a bottle of whisky with him. Shortly afterwards, Thuresson's house is broken into. The police find one of the stolen seals hidden in one of the photographer's cameras. The suspect protests his innocence: as a photographer, he is one of the best in his profession simply because, as an incorruptible observer, he never interferes with what is happening. When Thuresson's mother turns up at the police station and accuses herself of the murder, Wallander sends her home. Shortly afterwards, he also releases her son, to the horror of his colleagues. Wallander suspects how the murder might actually have happened. But he still lacks the evidence. Meanwhile, Thuresson discovers a striking triviality among his photos. When he picks up the phone to tell Wallander about his discovery, he sees the muzzle of a gun pointed menacingly at him. Witnessing the death of their own daughters.
Kurt Wallander - Krister Henriksson
Linda Wallander - Johanna Sällström
Stefan Lindman- Ola Rapace
Ann-Britt Höglund - Angela Kovács
Martinsson - Douglas Johansson
Nyberg - Mats Bergman
Svartman - Fredrik Gunnarson
Lisa Holgersson - Chatarina Larson
Ebba - Marianne Mörck
Music: Adam Nordén
Photos: © Lars Høgsted