07. The Tricksters

Johanna and her friend Sara, two young horse lovers, are shocked: the horse breeder Hermansson, with whom they were always allowed to ride for free, lies dead in his stable. The horseshoe-shaped wound on his head points to a horse kick. However, it soon transpires that the accident was faked and Hermansson was beaten to death. Inspector Wallander, who is not quite on the ball because of a heavy flirtation with psychiatrist Anja, takes up the investigation somewhat distractedly. Hermansson, Wallander soon realizes, has earned nothing with his stud farm. Nevertheless, he regularly gambled away large sums of money at the racecourse. Hermansson's friend Jesper Nilsson claims that the dead man finally bet on the right horse that weekend - but the super winnings have disappeared without a trace. So was it a robbery? When an envelope containing 50,000 crowns is found at Hermansson's neighbor Marina's house, Wallander's colleague Stefan Lindman sets heaven and hell in motion to prove the murder.

Stefan can't stand the brittle woman with her right-wing extremist views, but she has an alibi for the time of the crime. Moreover, colleague Svartman discovers that Hermansson gambled away 30,000 crowns at the racecourse at the weekend, but didn't win a single öre. As the somewhat baffled investigators continue to poke around the crime scene, they come across clues that point the way to the S/M milieu and an exclusive club in Malmö. Hermansson was in great demand here, at least some of the ladies were happy to pay for his services. However, he seems to have exploited their sore spots too shamelessly. When it becomes clear that the dead man must have had an accomplice in blackmail, Jesper Nilsson is targeted by the investigators. But in the meantime, among the pictures of the murdered man's female acquaintances, Marina has discovered a photo of a woman who had visited him a few days earlier. Has the key to solving Hermansson's murder finally been found?


Kurt Wallander - Krister Henriksson

Linda Wallander - Johanna Sällström

Stefan Lindman- Ola Rapace

Ann-Britt Höglund - Angela Kovács

Martinsson - Douglas Johansson

Nyberg - Mats Bergman

Svartman - Fredrik Gunnarson

Lisa Holgersson - Chatarina Larson

Ebba - Marianne Mörck

Music: Adam Nordén

Photos: © Lars Høgsted


08. The Photographer


06. Mastermind